Thursday, December 17, 2009

fantasy life

so i don't particularly care for lydia hearst. mostly because i think she's a crap model, but also because her appearance on gossip girl scarred me for life (like chuck would really ditch the amazing and glorious blair for that mess? no way). but i am loving the fantasy dresses she's wearing in this editorial

dream life pt. 2

or these would be pretty sweet as well:

christian louboutin at barneys

giuseppe zanotti at net-a-porter

dream life

last night i dreamed that i won a thousand dollars (and in my dream i bought alexander wang with it), but if i had (or if i had a thousand dollars i wouldn't miss), i think i would get these instead:
givenchy on sale at barneys

Monday, December 7, 2009


i can't pinpoint exactly what it is that i love about this photo - the combination of accessories, perhaps? or maybe it's the fault that the model looks real - she's staring straight at the camera, and they even have her sitting at a table, presumably tailoring a jacket. so much more refreshing than what's become the vogue standard - frozen models occasionally jumping. i love la wintour, but vogue has long lost its freshness
fashion updates daily

Friday, December 4, 2009

big wow

I really, really love this look. All the gold and black and yet so much contrast, texture, and variety. I know everyone was digging Vanessa Traina's Givenchy look, but I think this one wins, hands down.